West Orange-Stark Middle School Home
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TELPAS & TELPAS Alt. Assessment Window closes
Location: all campuses
STAAR testing begins for 3-8 RLA, English I, English II
Location: all campuses
STAAR Alt II assessment window closes
Location: all campuses
STAAR testing window closes for 3-8 RLA, English I, English II
Location: all campuses
Recent News

Holiday Dress-Up Days
Celebrate the last week before the holiday break with dress-up days!

MS CY 2 Honor Roll Lists 2024-25
Click on headline to view.

West Orange - Cove CISD has a Texas Education Agency School Accountability score of 82 or a "B" rating. West Orange Stark Middle School has a "81/B " rating from the Texas Education Agency. For more information, visit our Performance Reports page: https://www.woccisd.net/apps/pages/Performance
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